Coding Side Project #1 — Jumpers for Goalposts
Why: As a teenager I used to love playing Football Manager 97 (yes, 97…). It was an addictive game; having many of the attributes of the hook model:
- Action; play a game
- Variable reward; result of the game
- Investment; league position, and building a squad
- Trigger; automatically loop to next game, to complete a season
But I particularly enjoyed the building a squad. Finding the best young players, to bring into the team.
On my Makers pre-course, I recently learnt about object oriented programming, and test driven development using Ruby’s Rspec library.
In bed, this morning, I was pondering if it would be possible to build a really simplistic version of Football manager to test my new found OOD, and TDD learnings.
How: To be built in ruby, using recently learnt OOD, and TDD methods. Using the command line as a user interface. A football manager game has a variety of objects that interact: a game; a team, a squad, players.
What: Jumpers for Goalposts; the park football simulation game.
Two teams of five players. With attackers and defenders. Play a single game.
Who: i’m the customer of this project. But other nostalgic 30 something nerds, might also be intrigued.
Where: To be published to github:
When: Try and complete an MVP this afternoon.