Chris Whitehouse
2 min readAug 16, 2020


Day 25. My last idea focused on the importance of emotional intelligence. The understanding of your own, and others, emotional worlds. And, how important this is in making sound decisions in life. This post has a similarly reflective nature, and also revisits a theme of long term impacts of the Covid related lockdown.

OLD IDEA 1: Lockdown

OLD IDEA 2: Contentment

NEW IDEA: Lockdown has had many pros and cons. But one thing I have noticed is an increased level of contentment. I have put this down to a reduced worldview has made me less envious and covetous. I seem to be more content to just be me, rather than trying to impress others, or live by social norms.

Five Whys:

  1. Lockdown has reduced our worldviews. We interact with others less frequently and spend more time in our own bubbles.
  2. This has had both positive and negative impacts. But one outcome is a reduced tendency to compare myself to others.
  3. This has led to an increased level of contentment.
  4. I seem to be more willing to follow my own path, and less bothered about what others might think of me. Or social norms.
  5. I am hopeful that this will help me make sounder decisions based on what will make me happy rather, what I think others might expect of me.

Question: How have you felt during lockdown? Have you noticed an increased level of contentment? Or a lower need to adhere to social expectations?



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